Creator of the universe vast,
Of worlds that dance in space
These are the first lines of her poem and the words that spoke to me were universe vast. The photo below was the sky the morning as I prepared ~ the horizon glowing with the sun that was about to rise, and the sky brightened by the moon and the stars about to disappear (of course I had to run for my camera).
The moon and stars seem so far - how can there be more of the universe beyond them? The universe is the seen and unseen existing alongside each other. God has given us this place - "sun-kissed earth, fruitful garden;" given us life, given us love. Given freely to us - in grace & love through Jesus.
And I am mindful of my smallness in this, God's world. Yet God knows my name, knows & cares for me, even loves me among all of His creation, all of the universe vast. How small, yet great I am if He knows me.
His arms extend to me & beckon me to come, come home. To live in the garden again, to feel the sun, to know love and offer love. To wonder. To believe.
Pray with me: Lord Jesus, Creator God, Spirit of life & love - open my heart to the vast beauty of your world and the vast expanse of your love. Let me live in you for all my days. Amen.
Creator of the universe vast,
Of worlds that dance in space,
To us you gave this sun-kissed earth,
This fruitful garden place,
Bright token of your grace,
Bright token of heavenly grace.
Creator of the spark of life,
In elephant, bee, and dove,
To us you give more radiant flames,
Of thought, and joy, and love,
Enkindled from above,
Enkindled by heavenly love.
Margaret A. Weber
May 28, 1981
A beautiful reflection on a beautiful poem!