Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
-Matthew 25:13
Just before this admonition in Matthew, we hear the parable of the ten bridesmaids. They are waiting for the groom to arrive so the wedding banquet can begin. Some of them didn't bring enough oil for their lamps, so when they had to wait they were in danger of the lamps going out (guess they didn't write "bring extra oil" on their to-do list). Others came prepared with enough oil to last. When the groom was coming, those "foolish" girls with no oil asked the "wise" ones to share, but no way. So they went to buy more; and in doing so they were shut out of the banquet. And the groom tells them, "Keep awake therefore, for you know neither day nor the hour."
The season of Advent is one of looking forward. Looking to the manger. Looking to the Savior. In our world, the baby Jesus arrives December 25th. On schedule, every year, without fail. And we celebrate. We schedule our celebrations beginning in November. We have lists of things to do, things to make, things to buy, places to go, people to see, meals to prepare, and we schedule all those things into our days. We know the days and the hours. Believe me, I understand ~ I'm right in it too.
With our phones, computers, apps, reminders, digital calendars, & paper planners, we live lives scheduled by the day, hour, and sometimes minute. When was the last time you had an unscheduled day? One where there was nothing in the little calendar square for that day? When was the last time something wonderful happened that was unscheduled? Perhaps a little surprising? Are you prepared to notice those moments when they occur?
The unscheduled moments are the ones we should be looking and waiting for. Keeping our eyes, heart, & soul open and aware. Those moments are how God sends us reminders that the world is majestic and beautiful and magical, and that we are loved and valued and created to be all that God has planned for us to be. We must remain awake and prepared or those moments pass us by and we are shut out of all the goodness that awaits.
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An unscheduled visit ~ juvenile red-tail hawk on the veranda railing |